Myth is nothing more than ancient gossip! Some of the dental myths have existed for years and are being passed down to generations. It's high time that we decipher the truth behind these myths. Root canal treatment is painful & horrifying. Untreated decayed tooth is more painful than root canal treatment itself. The treatment is usually done under local anaesthesia and you can be at ease once the treatment is completed. Like my great grandfather, I'm going to brush my teeth using neem sticks! This is nothing but a folk tale. Neem branch only does more harm than good. It can easily wear off your enamel causing sensitivity. The same goes for tooth powder. I do oil pulling regularly, I won't have any teeth problems. Oil pulling is only an adjunct to your regular oral care ( brushing & flossing ). Though oil pulling can reduce bacteria, it is only up to 20%. Also, already existing cavities and hard deposit...