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Why you should always replace a missing tooth?

     "We become aware of the void as we fill it"! Be aware of the void (space) you may have in your mouth and fill it. As not filling it can lead to dire consequences. Read through to know more!
Back to basics!
   Primary (milk) teeth- 20 
 From 6months- 6years. After which permanent teeth start replacing primary teeth.
   Permanent teeth- 32
 28 out of 32 teeth come in by 14years. While 4 (wisdom teeth) teeth erupt between 18-25 years of age. This may vary from person to person.
Know the names!

Functions of teeth:
  • Grinding and chewing
  • Articulation
  • Aesthetics
  • Maintaining facial form
 Apparently all these functions are lost when you loose a tooth. 
Teeth have tight contacts with their neighbors. Hence when a tooth is lost, adjacent teeth will automatically start moving from their original position.
This movement differs for different teeth. 
What happens when you loose a front tooth?
   The first and foremost concern would be aesthetics. No one would like a gap to be seen, while speaking and smiling.
   Front teeth are important for speaking. You may have difficulties in pronouncing certain letters.
What happens when you lose a back tooth?
   Most people wouldn't care to replace a lost posterior tooth. Why? Because one cannot see a missing back tooth while talking or smiling.
   But it is more than that. Those teeth are important for grinding. When you swallow your food without chewing it properly, your intestine cannot absorb the nutrition completely. 
   Teeth around the missing spot will loose their integrity.
This can decrease the vertical height of your face. When this height is lost, it is difficult to replace the missing tooth.
Missing a tooth can put other teeth under more pressure.
What happens if you loose all your teeth?
   Usually all people go for a denture almost immediately after loosing all teeth. 

The above picture depicts how teeth are important to maintain the structure of your jaw. 
   It doesn't matter how modern the technology is or how experienced your dentist is, artificial teeth can never match your natural teeth. Also to remind you, your teeth fall out and erupt only once. So take care of your teeth like a priced possession, as it is! 
   But if you happen to loose a tooth, fret not! Be wise and replace all your missing teeth as soon as possible. It is only a matter of time until your teeth start moving. 

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