In the wilderness of life, you can never be too prepared. A child can do more in one unsupervised minute than most people can do all day. Brace yourself for every possible situation you might encounter. Here we are giving our thoughts on one such situation.
What is avulsion?
Avulsion is a kind of tooth injury in which the tooth falls out mouth as a whole. Upper front teeth are often involved around the age of 8-12 years.
What is avulsion?
Avulsion is a kind of tooth injury in which the tooth falls out mouth as a whole. Upper front teeth are often involved around the age of 8-12 years.
Why you should know about it?
Believe it or not, an avulsed tooth can be placed back into its original position. There are many factors that influence the success of this process. Among which two things are under your control,
- The period of time the tooth is out of your child's mouth
- The storage medium while the tooth is out
Decision on re-implantation:
An avulsed primary (milk) tooth is usually not replanted as it may damage the underlying permanent tooth.
As far as permanent tooth is concerned, if you follow proper guidelines, the tooth can be successfully replanted when other conditions are favourable.
During the 'Golden hour',
THE MOST APPROPRIATE THING TO DO IS TO PREVENT THE CHILD FROM SWALLOWING/ ASPIRATING LOOSE TOOTH/ TEETH. First and foremost check how many teeth are missing in the mouth and whether you can find them all.
Keep your child as calm as possible.
Visit your nearest dentist within first 30 MINUTES.
If the tooth is dirty wash it under cold running water briefly for 10 SECONDS, gently by holding its crown without rubbing. If your child is old enough to hold the tooth, try to reimplant the tooth into the socket. Bite it on a piece of cloth to hold in position.
If the tooth can not be replanted,
The tooth should be placed in an apt medium within the first 15 MINUTES.
Appropriate storage media are,
- Milk
- HBSS (Hank's Balanced Salt Solution)
- Tender coconut water
- Propolis
- Green tea
- Egg white
Importance of Storage medium- To maintain the vitality of the cells (periodontal cells) on the root surface.
The properly stored tooth, reimplanted within 30 minutes may have good prognosis.
Dental trauma is common. Act wisely to save your child's tooth. Because how much ever recent or costly the technology is, you can never replace a natural tooth.
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